Saturday, April 27, 2019

Three Job Applications

I am an avid reader and my favorites are fiction and self-improvement books. I just finished reading You are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero (and yesterday I started her first book You are a Badass).

I needed to read these books 
When I started this blog - less than three short months ago - I emphasized my countdown to a retirement that is years away. Okay, that time will come; but what about right now?

Immediately before I wrote that first post, I had interviewed for and been offered another job.  I declined the offer. At the time, I had a lot of reasons / excuses for turning down that job offer. I’m not even going to revisit those reasons here. It all came down to a gut feeling that it wasn’t the right thing for me. A higher power, the universe - something was telling me to trust my gut.

My gut instinct to stay at my current cubicle job was necessary. Because nothing has changed at the current job. If anything, the things that I dislike are worse. I needed those extra months and reading these books to wake me up.

I made a list of 10 reasons why I deserve a better job. Here goes - this is exactly what I wrote in my journal (if it was in capitals I put it in caps here).

10 Reasons Why I Deserve A Better Job
1. My degrees and my certification
2. I am SMART
3. I deserve to work for a boss(es) that appreciate me
4. To be able to make decisions I am capable of making
5. Opportunity to grow
6. Opportunity to learn
7. To be away from people who bring negativity to my life
8. Because I have grown bigger than my job
9. Because my job has grown too small for me
10. To be away from a person who doesn’t think women can succeed

After I made that list, I went online and found three jobs to apply for. I sent out three job applications!  Let’s see what the universe has lined up for me.


  1. Good luck! I have not read any books about the subject you mentioned but I too am feeling more deserving of good. Just watching various videos on youtube has given me the push to I can only describe as raise my self worth? Thankfully my job actually just did some raises on their own before I asked. Pretty happy about that. :) Again, good luck on your application process!

  2. I like your list for why you deserve a better job. I would put many of the same things on a list for myself. I have been lazily hunting a better job, but this is a reminder that I need to put more energy into it to get anything out of it.
