
Saturday, June 8, 2019

Reading Lately

Life After Life by Kate Atkinson
This is a long book (529 pages) but it is the good kind of long. It could have gone on forever in more ways than one. For one thing, Kate Atkinson is an amazing writer. Second, the story itself could go on for eternity.

It’s the story of Ursula Todd, the daughter of an English banker Hugh, and his wife Sylvie. On the night Ursula is born, in February 1910, a snowstorm keeps the doctor and the midwife from attending the delivery. Hugh is away tracking down his erstwhile sister Izzie, who has run off with a married man. Only the 14-year-old maid, Bridget, is present for the birth.

Ursula is born blue, the cord wrapped around her neck. But, the very next chapter, it is the same snowy February night except this time Dr. Fellowes arrives in time to save the baby girl.

Thus begins the tale of Ursula, who, as she grows up, dies and is born repeatedly. In each new life she  has vague memories of lives past, like deja vu, that guide her to make different choices. Seemingly small changes in Ursula’s actions can and do result in very different outcomes.

By the time Ursula is a young woman it is the 1930’s and Hitler is rising in power. Ursula’s experiences are unique. Knowing what she does, can she do something that will change history? The very first chapter is a clue to the end of the book. You may find yourself going back and rereading that short opening chapter.

Life After Life reminded me of “Groundhog Day”, the movie starring Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell, which just so happens to be one of my favorite movies.

In the movie Phil Conners keeps trying to do things differently and most of the time, the outcome is better. But remember the homeless man who dies that night, no matter what Phil does to try and help? The nurse at the hospital says “Sometimes it’s just someone’s time to die.”

Returning to Ursula, will she use her unusual power to save the world from its destiny? Can she? Read this book and find out.
I highly recommend 

1 comment:

  1. That totally sounds like Groundhog Day, and sounds really interesting! What a cool concept for a book!
