Monday, June 10, 2019

My Favorite Fitness Instructors

Last week was unusual in a good way in that I did seven workouts. The best part was three of those workouts were classes taught by my favorite fitness instructors.

On Tuesday I did HIIT with Erin. Erin used to teach until an injury forced her to take a six month break. She returned a few months ago. She is the type of instructor that makes you want to go to class just because it’s her. She is positive and inspiring without being tough or annoying. She doesn’t walk around the class giving pointers; she does it with us. She doesn’t call anyone out for taking it down or using tiny weights. Yes, that would be me.🙂

On Wednesday I did Zumba with Tammy. She stepped down from teaching Zumba a few months ago but happened to be subbing. Tammy is delightful and welcoming. She starts every class “Welcome to Zumba. I’m Tammy. Is this anybody’s first time at Zumba?” Her classes are well planned out from warmup to high intensity, which is important for me in getting a great workout.

On Friday I did yoga with Suzy. This was a real treat because I’m usually at work. I took Friday off (after giving notice Thursday that I am leaving for a new job). The retirees that make up most of the class arrive early, so when I got there 5 minutes ahead the room was already dark and soft music was playing. As soon as she said “Welcome. This is an all level Kripalu yoga class” I could feel calmness entering my mind. Suzy is serenity personified.

In addition to these classes I also did a trail walk on Thursday. It was a trail run but I could not face a slog through a submerged trail that night. Instead I stuck to the dry areas. The nice part was walking allowed me to appreciate the trail instead of just looking down for tripping hazards.

On Friday I ran 3 miles before yoga. On Sunday I swam 50 laps. That’s when I realized that if I worked out once more that day I would have seven workouts for the week. The only thing I had not done was biking.

So I did a 55 minute bike ride on our local rail trail. It used to be railroad tracks but was converted into an amazing paved path for biking and walking. I finally rode far enough to see the bench that our friend had dedicated to his late parents.

It was a good week for working out!
Pretty flowers on my trail walk Thursday 
Sticking with the dry trail 


  1. Ummm, I did exactly one workout last week. *hangs head in shame* You did great! The trail walk sounds like something I would enjoy. Getting back at it this week!

  2. You really rocked the workouts this week!

  3. You totally rocked it this week in terms of working out!!! The awesome instructor thing is even better! I had a zumba instructor like that...she made the class a family of friends...and welcomed everyone and praised everyone for what they matter the level they did it at!!!
