
Saturday, July 27, 2019

Acadia National Park - Part 1

My husband and I just got back from a five day trip to Bar Harbor, Maine and Acadia National Park. This has been on my bucket list for years and we finally made it. This trip was nonstop activity!

The first full day we hiked Cadillac Mountain and Dorr Mountain from the Gorge Trail. I admit that was not our planned route as I got a little confused on the Park Loop Road. But ultimately it turned out perfect because evidently this is a less trafficked trail. One of the major differences from hiking in the Adirondacks - no mud! Another cool thing is the steppingstone trails. It made it feel easier because the first day was hot!
Stepping stone trail up Cadillac Mountain 
Cadillac is the highest peak in Acadia at 1,529 feet elevation. You can also drive to the summit of Cadillac. That means when you get to the top of the peak there is a parking lot and a virtual crowd of people. We didn’t spend much time there. We headed back down the way we had come and headed up Dorr. That was a steep but short climb. We ate lunch on Dorr Mountain and enjoyed a nice view of the harbor.
If you zoom in there is a cruise ship in the harbor 
In total we hiked 5 miles in just under 4 hours. After the hike we headed straight to the hotel pool for a swim before dinner.

Stay tuned for Part 2.


  1. The stepping stone trail is gorgeous! I have a thing for rocks. All of my flower beds in our yard are edged in rock.

  2. Acadia/Bar Harbor is on my bucket list, we were hoping this year...but have pushed it back to hopefully next year!!!! Keep the posts coming! I want to live vicariously through your trip until I can get there myself!!!

  3. Those stones look really difficult to hike on! But yes, much better than mud! :)
