
Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Painting and Other Things

Before I continue my Acadia National Park travel recap, I thought I would write about my real life weekend.  It's not all hiking and unicorns in my world.

A month ago, my older son and my daughter made an arrangement whereby my daughter was going to live rent-free in an apartment that my son owns in exchange for painting the entire apartment.  You know the saying "Mother knows best"?  Do you see where this is going?  Somehow, I knew that I would be painting during the month of July.

The deal was that the painting needed to be done early enough for my son to get a tenant in for August. My husband got drawn into this, but he always has a positive attitude when it comes to helping our children.  So, one day about two weeks ago, my daughter and husband took a day off work, and they painted the living room.  The prior tenant had painted it a very unflattering bright blue, and it was a sloppy paint job, too. It's now a pleasing linen color. Progress stalled there.

As the month of July was drawing to a close, I could sense tension in the air to get this thing done and over with. My husband, daughter and I ended up spending a good part of the weekend working on the apartment.  We painted the bedroom and bathroom in "greige". We did the trims and doors in glossy white. I wish I remembered to take more pictures!
The only picture I took was this corner of the bathroom - after cleaning but before painting
The bathroom ended up this color
Cleaning was not part of the deal but oh my, the bathroom and the kitchen appliances were in bad shape. I figured I would work on that, since there were people coming in to look at the apartment.  Personally, I would rather clean than paint anyway.

Well, it was hot and messy, but we got the job done and it felt very satisfying to do it - the apartment is painted, cleaned and painted some more!

On Sunday, we visited with my husband's running buddy's grandbaby.  She is 4 1/2 months old, and her nickname is Little Gal.  The baby's mom is working on getting back in shape so she joined the guys on their run.  While they ran, I visited with my friend (baby's grandma / running buddy's wife) and Little Gal. I just love that nickname and she is adorable!

I know I missed a few weeks recapping my workouts, but I'm not skipping this one.
Last Week's Workouts: On Monday through Thursday I hiked, biked and walked in Acadia National Park (at least 4 hours per day), on Friday I ran 3.1 miles and did Yoga with Suzy.  On Saturday, I did Zumba with Tammy and on Sunday I swam 40 laps.  I also painted and cleaned for 7 hours over the weekend.

It was an active week!


  1. Geesh! Your a busy lady! Oh thanks for reminding me to look at Zumba. My mother in law was decluttering and sent me via my hubby a Zumba box with some weight things I want to look into. Glad you were able to get in and help both your kids even thought it was for crappy reasons. Even I could see that coming without your foreshadowing. I am also tickled that is a realy paint color. I thought you made it up. Haha

    1. Ugh- You are You're I use your wrong and I know it but years of doing it that I am trying to retrain my brain on. LOL
