
Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Berkshire Botanical Garden

Last weekend, we met up with my sister and her boyfriend in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.  Stockbridge is the hometown of artist Normal Rockwell.  One of his famous paintings is of Stockbridge at Christmas time.  The town looks exactly the same, because they work very hard to keep it that way!

We met on the porch of the Red Lion Inn which was nice and relaxing.  They have rockers and it's very welcoming.  We walked about 20 feet to have lunch at a cute café.  I did not want a big lunch that would leave me stuffed. I noticed two older ladies at the next table had the quiche special; it was accompanied with a small salad.

Both of the ladies wrapped up leftovers! It was a small meal, so it struck me funny that they didn't finish it.  I certainly finished mine!

After lunch and strolling around the cute gift shops, we drove about a mile on Route 102 to the Berkshire Botanical Garden.  It had rained earlier, and was cool and overcast. A lot of flowers were not in bloom. I am not an expert but I think that the flowers blossom more in sun. The last time we were there it was a beautiful sunny day and my face was orange with pollen from sticking my face in the day lilies. We have a photo of that to memorialize it! For some reason that photo cracks my husband up every time he sees it. 🤷‍♀️

We had four free admission tickets to the Botanical Garden courtesy of the public library. I went to two different library branches last week to get the four free passes.

After the Botanical Garden we  headed over to the Lee Outlets.  By then the sun was out.  I picked up a couple of outfits at the Oshkosh store for a 1-year old's birthday party we have on July 4th. And a sports bra at the Champion store.
Pretty white and magenta blossoms 
Bupthalmum Sunwheel Daisy Speciosa Telekia 
Shrubs shaped like llamas 
Thanks for reading!