
Monday, July 1, 2019

Goodbye June Hello July

June is over and that means that 2019 is halfway over as well. My main accomplishment for the month of June was getting a new job. Check. You know what, I'd still rather be retired. July 1st means I am officially 3 years and 5 months from retirement!

As far as running goals, I have done 6 races so I am on track to meet my goal of 12 races for 2019.  I have only run 135 miles for ALL of 2019, which means I am far below my goal of 450 miles for the year. After I read 26 Marathons by Meb Keflezighi, I requested the book Meb for Mortals from the library. This is Meb's book about how he eats, trains and thinks. I could increase my running by adding one extra day per week for a month.  I will certainly think about it!

Last week's workouts: I did Zumba on Wednesday with Michelle, I did about a 3.5 mile trail run on Thursday, and a 3 mile run on Saturday.

I am guestimating the distance of the trail run.  It was supposed to be 3 miles, but there were three of us at the back of the pack running together, and we missed the marker to go right up a hill.  Yes, it was a hill trail run! It's hard to explain but it meant we ran one section twice, and we still ran up that hill. At the top of the hill, I fell and landed on my right butt / hamstring.  I am OK, just a little sore - that is a good place to land; I have seen fellow trail runners take bad spills. I had to walk a little bit after that. Since I have sciatica that runs down my left hamstring, at least now both sides hurt equally! The only thing that makes it feel better is to keep moving.

At the end of said trail run, I fell behind the other two, and missed the marker heading back to the main lodge where our group was having a BBQ. There wasn't any danger; I could hear a dog barking in the direction I was heading. I followed that trail, and it led me to some houses. I was not lost enough to approach them, but it felt good to know civilization was close by.

I backtracked and saw the markers I missed. By the time I got back on our trail, I was running with (actually, being passed by) some of my running club peeps who were finishing their second loop. All in all, it took me 59 minutes! Quite an eventful trail run and I needed that after the work day.

A few months ago I read Meet The Frugalwoods and ever since then I have been following her blog.  Liz (Mrs. Frugalwoods) is starting a July Frugal Month Challenge. You still have until midnight tonight to sign up and join the group. You get an email a day and if you are on Facebook, you can join the special FB group. I already have a good balance of frugality in my life, however I am very curious to see what I can learn from this challenge.

I am looking forward to July because my husband and I are going to Maine. I have never been there, and that is on my bucket list. We are going to Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park.
Hopefully I will get some real hiking done in July.

What are your goals for July?


  1. I have gotten lost and disoriented on trail runs before, and it's quite unsettling! As soon as I realize where I am and see something familiar, I get so relieved, like I've been lost in the wilderness for weeks or something :) I need to sit down and blog about my July goals. I'm afraid I'm going to let this year slip by and still not reach my goal weight.

  2. I'm looking forward to retirement too!

  3. What an eventful run!!! Sounds like something that would happen to me! How is the butt/hamstring? Had the pain eased up???? I’ve got my fingers crossed for you!!
