Monday, June 3, 2019

Another Race

On Saturday I ran the Freihofer Run for Women 5k. My daughter ran it as well. Here are my results:

My pace was 11:12 and I was number 125 out of 233 in my age division. It was good.

Last week’s workouts: Zumba with Michelle on Wednesday, 3.4 mile trail run on Thursday and the race on Saturday.

I’m still waiting to hear from the job that I interviewed for a month ago. They called my references and the potential new boss called me on May 22 (almost two weeks ago) to say they were submitting the appointment package to HR. It is a mystery why this is taking so long.

Meanwhile I applied for a promotion in my current office. The woman who retired from this position did work of a completely different nature than my work. She had a subordinate who is clearly next in line for that job and very capable. I don’t even want that job but it would have looked “odd” if I didn’t apply.

Our administrative assistant set me up for an interview which is in 10 days. It’s so ridiculous because I’m right here. They could interview me any old time, right? However, here’s the conundrum - Mr. Next In Line did not get asked to interview. Nor did another applicant from our unit who would be as good of a fit as me.

I have more years over both the other applicants, but only a year or so more than Mr. Next In Line. Something is going on. Are they going to restructure the unit and change the job description? Another mystery that I won’t have an answer to until the interview.

Such are the mysteries of the work world.


  1. Congrats on your 5K!

    That is a mystery about the internal interview. Although did you mention you work for the govt? Because that would explain it, lol!

  2. I hope you get the job you want.
